7 Ways To Improve Your ERP Software Right Now

Pooja Patel
Read Time: 4 Minutes
7 Ways To Improve Your ERP Software Right Now

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have the potential to reshape the world and bring advancements to the existing industry. Due to tremendous advancements in these areas, the world ten years from now can be next to unrecognizable as compared to today’s world. One of the significant changes with AI and machine learning is the possible improvements in the ERP software.

We are here with a few of the effective improvements in the ERP for small businesses with AI and machine learning. Keep reading to understand the same.

  • Catch problems before their occurrence

Whenever a system goes down it costs the business unit a lot of valuable resources such as time, productivity, and money. Machine learning can not only identify the cause of a problem quickly but can also predict it from before and help to prevent it as well. Machine learning creates such advanced preparation for the ERP software. Along with the advancements in the technologies, the ability to prevent shutdowns and wasted resources get better and diagnostics will be used to prevent problems rather than diagnose.

  • Advanced analytics

With machine learning, one can pull tailored data that can provide detailed analytics and insights regarding metrics that you decide as important. For instance, it can be an in-depth look over the purchasing behaviors of a specific demographic of customers so that one can tailor their offerings for better conversions. If you are an owner of an online store, the metrics that will be pulled can pertain to how long the customer spent on any specific product page.

Using the correct technique you can make use of such information to create a tripwire at the checkout or send an email to remind the customers of their desired objects. Advanced analytics can provide you the power to create the will drive to the business. One thing is to pull the data out of the system and game-changing is to be able to analyze it effectively.

  • Forecasting

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Analytics and algorithms play another major role in the best ERP software which is forecasting capabilities. By searching from the collected data, the AI integrations make predictions for improving the ability to forecast the upcoming future. It will be able to detect and seasonality of the business, and make recommendations regarding the decrease or increase in production accordingly. If you further drill down, you can also look at the customer history and identify the behavior patterns and allow you to make predictions of the future order quantities.

Other that only being convenient and cutting down the resources which are used to create forecasts that might or might not be accurate, the AI and machine learning in ERP software for small business can also streamline the business processes. With production of required amount of inventory, one can reduce the risk of over or under production. It means less inventory storage issues plus zero costly small-scale productions to make the difference. Ultimately, AI in ERP accounting software gives lower costs and higher revenue.

  • Improved interdepartmental processes

You must put the ERP software for small business in place which bridge the gap between the inventory, sales and accounting. You must find one that can connect these different aspects of business. With machine learning and AI, it is simplified, reporting, creating streamlined and centralized platform for CRM, product lifecycle and sales. If the business runs more efficiently, it requires less reconciliation between the different aspects of that business and hence makes the business more successful.

  • Marketing

One of the most crucial considerations to have an ERP software with machine learning capabilities is identifying the new opportunities for sales and marketing. AI and machine learning allows a business not only to know the purchasing behavior but also hone in on who is purchasing what. They may find that there is a viable market that they have left in marketing or branding schemes. By identifying this and catering the marketing efforts for such, they may be able to achieve greater market share and can also improve the business’s revenue.

  • Identification of inefficient production processes

Machine learning and AI help to improve the production process of the business through integrating with ERP software. AI is capable of identifying the processes or practices that are not efficient mechanically or otherwise and also helps the manufacturers to get viable solutions that are time saving as well as resource saving. The ability to predict any problem before its occurrence keeps running things smoothly, reduces the risk of increased energy usage or damage along with removing unusable goods.

Moreover, AI can even identify the processes that use unacceptable amount of energy and hence reduce such consumption at the time of manufacturing. Predictive diagnosis can reduce the requirement of test runs that even contribute to energy usage and wasted resources. In short, AI and machines learning helps the production process from conception to shipping.

  • Improve customer service with virtual agents

Virtual agents are the machine learning and AI tools that can be dreamed with the science fiction. Through proper integrations, it can be used to train employees and guide them for the complex processes and also provide proper customer service. Integration of AI with the ERP Software India can provide extra focus on customer service as they can see what customers ask about in the real-time, when the virtual agent answer them. Rather than having a customer service rep to handle the queue of customers, the consumers can ask questions regarding their order and AI provides the information on request. Customer can save hours of time with ERP Software.

After successful completion of request, AI and machine learning can also reshape a business and make it more efficient and profitable.


Apart from the above-listed improvements, the could-based ERP Software provides a lot more benefits. We brought you a few of the major improvements that can be beneficial in your business unit and make your organization more powerful and efficient. Integrating ERP software with other software and other parts is an important task and results in a centralized data and management. Make appropriate improvements and move ahead with AI and machine learning.

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