

By Memgraph

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Memgraph is a graph database system that offers real-time performance for both analytical and transactional graph workloads. The software is optimized to provide low latency to the users so that they do not have to wait much for solving graph data problems. By leveraging memory, it ensures that both the analytical and transactional queries are getting optimum performance. The optimized multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) tool allows channeling of multiple users and queries without losing stability. Memgraph also comes with a native C Query Module API that enables developers to code applications and design custom graph solving procedures easily. There is a Memgraph Lab for the detailed exploration and granular manipulation of data. Using it, users can visualize data and execute ad hoc queries within no time. For data security, Memgraph automatically captures and stores snapshots periodically and even does write-ahead logging (WAL) on disk. Above all these, the ACID transaction support ensures that the data is authentic even during events of loss

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