Indydesk Sales

Indydesk Sales

By Indydesk Sales

0 Days
Indydesk is a CRM platform that enables its users to manage the leads, pipelines, and revenue of their business. The software helps its users to analyze and visualize their revenue opportunities by creating pipelines and assigning leads in stages. Users can integrate their lead source and automatically fill leads while also importing existing leads and performing necessary actions. The software enables its users to prioritize more leads with pipelines and put extensive efforts on the leads with high conversion probability. Indydesk allows its users to manage tasks and teams seamlessly by creating, handling and assigning functions among them with ease. Users can manage their meetings and appointments through the software. Indydesk lets its users to customize and save their report dashboard and also view all their sales metrics in a single panel. It enables users to ensure interaction with customers and solve queries related to the product or service provided by the user.

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