

By CookieHub

Onetime(Perpetual License)
0 Days
CookieHub is a cookie consent management platform that comes with an automatic cookie scanning option and provides users with all the essentials they need to get consent from their web visitors. The inbuilt cookie scanner is designed to scan domains for detecting cookies in use, as per the list of automatically generated Cookie Declaration. Users also get adequate support to make their website compliant with different cookie laws like LGPD, GDPR, etc. Further, the software is compatible with up to 25 different languages, which adds more flexibility to the users. They can also select from the available styles and themes to customize the appearance of individual cookies. The platform is in tight integration with Google Tag Manager (GTM), which enables it to automatically transmit triggers, based on actions performed in the CookieHub widget. CookieHub offers integration with the latest Google Consent Mode (beta) to help advertisers measure conversions more effectively. Users having a WordPress website, can get the most out of it, with CookieHub’s easy-to

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