

By ChummyBot


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ChummyBot is a social proof plugin that helps you convert visitors into clients. It enables you to track all website visitors in real-time and build trust with the help of intelligent end-user engagement. With this user-friendly application, you can cut off the technical barrier, deliver accurate triggers, and encourage visitors to become your clients. This internet marketing automated plugin helps you offer Conversion Boosting and Social Proof Messaging based on certain criteria. ChummyBot is capable of tracking the user's website visitor history and providing in-page push alerts to generate trust and engagement. The application helps to enhance the credentials of the firm and improve conversion rates. You can choose from a wide range of configurations for sending push-notifications, which are based on templates, thus enabling you to customize them according to your requirements. You can even activate or deactivate push notifications per website or select only some specific configurations. The live push-notifs of ChummyBot show data about the number of

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