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Advize is cloud-based software that helps you integrate customer information throughout the customer journey to provide useful information and automate the customer's revenue-generating personalized experience, reducing traffic and improving customer satisfaction. The customer-relationship-management software uses custom templates to enhance feelings and topics based on qualitative feedback from customers. In this way, users can see what is important to their customers, what they want and why, without having to read all comment manually. Another exciting thing about the CRM software is that it enables the automation of personalized user experiences, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to segment customers according to who they are, automating the best actions offering customized experiences and NLP programs. The CRMS real-time data-driven approach automatically detects anomalies, alerts users and allows detection of new trends. Satisfaction, sentiment, and other results are combined with Voice of Customer (VoC) data to identify the issues that have the

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