HarperDB Cloud

By HarperDB Cloud

HarperDB Cloud is a data management software that focuses on making data management easier for companies and organizations. This software allows clients to collect all distributed data across their enterprises and edge devices to manage services using cloud technology. It provides a standard interface that helps you report and analyze the best tools for your meeting needs. The software's main mission is to provide all the solutions required for empowering your customers, partners, and employees so you can quickly innovate and maintain simplicity easily. It aims to provide data integration and syncing along with powerful data analysis. HarperDB Cloud is developed with modern microservices that are easy to use and globally distributed. It can be run anywhere while presenting a single interface across jar deployment architectures. It can run on public clouds, edge data centers, and in the field. This platform helps in real-time data synchronization between nodes. HarperDB is a complete cloud that can run in a more extensible and dynamic framework.

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