

Software Made Simple

United States

We at CodeBright believe in improving the world using technology. We work with startups, small/large companies as well as non-profit organizations to bring Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) to the market, improve/streamline/automate business processes, raise efficiency/productivity, reduce costs and more.

Contact Information

United States
Reston, Virginia 22303 United States
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NYC, New York 10022 United States
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San Francisco, California 94111 United States


Timeline: 64 weeks   Amount: 50,001 to 1,00,000

NVR- an established commercial home improvement/maintenance company based in the Washington, D.C. area has hired CodeBright to develop “Property Management Simplified- a custom mobile iOS app. Since 90% of the NVR’s business came from the existing clients- the primary purpose of the app was to further promote customer loyalty. Customers are now able to schedule service right from their mobile apps and earn reward points for every service call- giving them an incentive to stay loyal to NVR and less price sensitive. Problem NVR team prides itself for providing the highest quality commercial building maintenance to their loyal customers (commercial building owners) all around the Washington, D.C. metro area. Although the customer satisfaction has always been higher than average industry standard- with the high quality standards come higher than average prices(you get what you pay for) and NVR sought for additional ways to promote customer loyalty to help ease the question of the higher rates. Solution CodeBright team proposed to build a custom mobile app specifically for existing customers of NVR that would 1) make the process of requesting a service call with NVR as easy as requesting an Uber and 2) allow the customers to accumulate bonus points for each service request- similar to the miles/points credit card companies offer (the more you spend- the higher the more reward points you earn). The app also helped customers to: Schedule appointments, get reminders and project status updates (i.e. Appointment Scheduled, Project Started, Project Completed). Catalog/archive all the service calls with all the necessary information about each service call for reporting (tax and other) as well as future maintenance. In case of multi-unit residential real estate properties (apartments)- residents gained the ability to request service calls themselves (with the property manager’s approval). Results With the brand-new mobile app developed specifically for the existing customers- NVR was able to gain a high initial customer participation in the app and a favorable feedback from the customers. In the first 8 weeks after the launch of the mobile app- the new service call request process had increased the volume of service requests by almost 1/3, the order size has increased by 20% in that time and the company received a positive response from the property managers who already started seeing the time savings afforded by using the app (namely the property managers who managed maintenance services for a large number of residents).
